On Meditation
By cyclistmike On November 2, 2015
Meditation is a powerful act and activity. Those of us that meditate are making a very bold statement. It’s almost like a personal sit-in. We’re so crazy and confident that we can do nothing and call it practice. Meditators are so comfortable with themselves that they can watch the mind run in it’s myriad of ways, no one else has this discipline. Committed meditators know that a seated practice isn’t going to yield what we expect to be instant results. What it does yield has a much longer-term impact.
Whatever we are meditation accentuates. For those of us that have a naturally peaceful manner, meditation brings more of the peace to the surface. It’s confidence that it takes to sit and do nothing – this is what grows us away from what we would like to be in the world, and helps us to be more of what we are. The wisest of us may understand the ramifications of this immediately. However the rest of us are more concerned about finding tools to use to be more like the dream of our perfect self. We candidly refuse to relax, we imagine that if we are more like the vision we possess of who we could be – then we could relax.
Meditation – when done properly short circuits that desire. We don’t need to participate in conditions to relax. We can sit quietly, confidently and rest in the basic nature of who we are. This is a very immediate thing, a very simple thing. This is operating on a different level, going beyond conceptual thought. It’s certainly not appropriate for everyone, those of us who are too busy participating in schemes to improve our life, will have a hard time grasping these principles.
What we are doing is leaving the cardboard-cut out experience behind. As an act meditation is a statement that we no longer need to participate in schemes or manipulations to properly be who we are. We can strip off the layers of ego – which we are conditioned to believe necessary, and relax in our intrinsic intelligence. Moreover we don’t even have anything to strip off, we can relax in our nature on the spot, exactly on the spot. The improvement of life begins on the spot. It could start nowhere else.