Tag: Tantra

Noble Truth

Terrible terrible terrible. We spend so much time defending ourselves and protecting our reputations. We’re not afraid to be terrible, we do it all the time, but we justify. Justify, excuse, justify. It’s absolutely terrible how we justify terrible things. We take terrible and make it good! Truth is we haven’t given ourselves the freedom to simply be terrible. This is sad. Sometimes we are not the…

By Tenzin Gyatso April 23, 2021 0


Meditation is the practice that builds the foundation. What kind of foundation you may ask? And that is an excellent question. The foundation were talking about is a spiritual one. Now, these days spirituality is hit or miss, and my experience shows more misses than hits, not to mention the hits hurt. So I’m a…

By Tenzin Gyatso January 13, 2020 2

Uncertain solidity

The future is uncertain. We don’t know whats going to happen, but we have many hopes. Sometimes it’s the hope that keeps us going, sometimes its the hope that leads us down the wrong path, and distracts us from what is best to do. As far as hope goes there’s no guarantee. Which brings us…

By Tenzin Gyatso December 3, 2019 1

Whet the appetite

Now that we’ve spoken a little bit about how special we can become and flavorful we might be. We can get back to the chaos of the whole thing. You see we definitely aren’t enlightened, but even that isn’t such a certain thing. We are enlightened too, as we’ve just discussed, we are that but…

By Tenzin Gyatso January 13, 2019 0

What is tea

Drinking tea     Before we can drink the tea someone else makes with the level of appreciation that it takes to enjoy it thouroughly we have to learn how to drink and enjoy our own tea, or coffee for that matter. With this example of drinking someone else’s neurosis in, we first have to appreciate…

By Tenzin Gyatso January 13, 2019 0

The Promise of Hunger

Buddhism is a religion that isn’t a religion. The truth of the matter is it is a religion in the sense of our perception, but when we dive into it, there’s no dogma, or at least there shouldn’t be. There is no substance, no absolute rules, no telling other people how to be, what to…

By Tenzin Gyatso January 13, 2019 0