To get a strike, the bowling ball has to roll down a waxed surface, that has a slight tilt, and hit a composite pin, weighted in just a certain way, which then has to crash into 9 other pins, in a certain way in accord with the bowling balls strike trajectory, to knock the pins down, to be sensed by the machine’s sensors in order to tell us we have gotten a strike. We could reduce this for conversations sake, that we have to throw the ball and hit the pins just right.

This is accurate as we have noted, but it neglects all the other conditions needed for it to occur.
This is how our minds operate. First off this is how we treat ourselves and our interactions with the world. We think if we do certain things, then that will directly cause things to happen. Which is something of a fallacy, because of the dynamic interaction of conditions, things always need to be just right for things to happen, and though we may pretend, we cannot at all times control all the factors we would like. Yet we can tilt happenstance.

However our minds are untrained and simplistic. It’s easier in the sense that it requires less brain power to think in a linear, causative way. It’s not even that simplistic, because it’s witnessing causality. Yet at the same time, such thinking carries a degree of mysticality about it in the way it ignores and neglects contributing factors. It often simplifies for arguments sake, then gets lost in the argument.
Have you ever tried predicting the weather?